PA Members Group
This is a dynamic newly formed group of PA members, who meet each month to chat about topics of interest or concern. It is informal, held virtually, at times during the day to suit everyone, eventually! So grab a coffee and come along to meet and join other PANs members working across Scotland. Remember PANS Membership is Free whenever you are ready!
Pans Members Group
What is The PA Members Group?
We have set up a PA Members Group which is for PAs working in Scotland. The role of the Members Group is to provide a place for PAs to to share; ideas, suggestions, concerns along with experience, joys and help others to understand the obvious and the hidden demands of being a PA . The Members Group will be a flexible informal setting, where PAs can come together, meet up and discuss what could improve their PA role. The discussion points will then be taken to and raised at The PA Programme Board meeting, to help influence positive change.
From here, these concerns will be raised to Scottish Government officials with the view of implementing changes in social care that benefit you.
The PA Members Group will be the place to have your voice heard and your concerns listened to. It will be the forum which will be the link between PAs and those in positions of power to collaborate and listen to you and the issues that affect you in order to influence positive change.