Have Your Say Workforce Wellbeing Survey
This survey aims to be the primary method for us and our partners to understand how registered and non-registered workers in social work, social care and children and young people services in Scotland feel about their jobs. Your responses will help us identify trends, support the workforce and enable us, our partners and the Scottish Government to address issues affecting the workforce, including wellbeing and valuing the profession.
This is the first Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Have Your Say Workforce Wellbeing Survey. We’ve commissioned Progressive Partnership, an independent research company, to conduct this survey. This survey aims to be the primary method for us and our partners to understand how registered and non-registered workers in social work, social care and children and young people services in Scotland feel about their jobs. Your responses will help us identify trends, support the workforce and enable us, our partners and the Scottish Government to address issues affecting the workforce, including wellbeing and valuing the profession.
The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. The survey will not save your answers as you go, so make sure you complete them in one sitting and press ‘submit’ at the end.
Have Your Say – Workforce Wellbeing Survey